Last Minute Christmas Gift Ideas
I know we are super close to Christmas, but I know a lot of people who always feel pretty prepared, and then realise about a week before the big day that they have a bunch of prezzies still to buy! Fear not – I’m here with a little list of my top picks for last minute Christmas gifts. These are those crowd pleasers that are perfect for pretty much anyone. If you’re feeling last minute or just struggling to buy for those who have everything, these are some great gift ideas.
Traitors Game
Basically the TV show of 2023. Literally everyone I know was hooked to this, and now just in time for Christmas, theres a card game. This is the perfect gift for your TV addict, and something fun for the family to get involved in over the festive period. I’m super excited to play this one on Boxing day! I’ve already had a sneak peek and it looks super fun. Buy the Traitors card game here.
Sometimes these can seem pretty generic, but the key is choosing something you know they love. Rather than a voucher that can be used in a shopping centre or on Amazon, why not go more specific and choose something you know they love. Bookworm? get them a kindle or Waterstones voucher. Fashionista? Can’t go wrong with a Selfridges voucher as they cover a range of styles and budgets. Chef? Get a voucher for a cookery class or a fancy meal delivery. Go the extra mile to choose something specific to them and you an’t go wrong!

Dinner Date
I love buying experiences or dinner vouchers for those people who I never know what to get them. Something you can do together is a great way of making sure you get more plans in the diary, and choosing something you know they love shows you did something thoughtful rather than buying a token gift. Top tip – you can give them a handmade voucher or write this in a card, and then book into one of the great January deals to save yourself some money too!
Something for the Home
For those who are hard to buy for, a home gift is always a good option. I find that most people are constantly improving their homes; updating furniture, decorating, refreshing. After all, we probably spend most of our time there, I definitely do now with working from home more regularly, and I always want my space to feel nice. Opt for some good quality coffee table books, designer candles, fun glassware, or plants.

A Hamper
This is a good one for if you feel like you maybe don’t know the recipient well enough to really tailor your gift to them. Get a good box or wicker hamper and fill it with delicious goodies for Christmas. This is also perfect if you’re buying for a couple or family as it can be a gift for everyone, without having to think of an individual item for each person. Throw in some festive favourites, and maybe some local delights that you love. This will be a really nice touch to share pieces of your traditions with them! I’m adding these Arundel Bakery Nanna Val’s mince pies to my hampers this year, for a little local treat.
Pretty much all of the women in my life would love a new piece of clothing or accessory. You could even get an online voucher if you aren’t sure. I tend to shop on sites that have a range of clothing and accessories for all styles and ages.
Hopefully this was helpful! Merry Christmas x
*This post includes gifted items.
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