Summer tends to feel like the best time for traveling and new adventures, but winter can be a really exciting season for adventures too. There are so many interesting and beautiful winter destinations around the world, and I’m often guilty of overlooking these in favour of warmer climates. Winter also tends to be a busy season for a lot of people, but if you can find a little time, it might be the perfect opportunity to visit new countries and explore some winter destinations. I also can find myself in a bit of a slump in the colder months, so booking a winter trip makes it feel a little more fun.
Having said that, you might prefer to stay home and watch the pennies this winter. It can be a very expensive time (especially right now!), and curling up in front of the TV and having some down-time whilst its chilly out might be your idea of heaven.
Or like me, you might also want to find a balance between the two. I am a total summer baby, so winter is a time where the darkness and weather can really affect me. I also tend to lack motivation in this period too. So for me, finding a balance between making fun plans, but also making time to relax and do things for myself are rally important. Finding a balance between opposites can be tough sometimes, so I noted down some ideas that might inspire or help me during the chilly seasons; whether it be travelling or staying home.

Treat yourself to a beauty treatment
So how about combining travelling with relaxing?! Just imagine being somewhere in Europe with the snow is falling, while you enjoy a relaxing beauty treatment. The idea of a facial or body treatment, after spending the day sightseeing around a city sounds perfect to me. At mvbeautyart.com, you can search for beauty therapy to relax both your body and your mind. Especially when the weather is cold, its vital to take the best care of our skin to prevent dryness and chapped lips. A professional face treatment will moisturise your skin and help keep it looking fresh this winter. You could also can treat yourself to a body massage after a long day exploring a new destination; if you’ve taken a trip to Houston for example, then finding a massage therapist in Houston, TX can be a great way to round the day off.

Prepare a Nutritious Meal
Something I’m planning on doing this winter is experimenting more with cooking. I really enjoy doing this, and taking a few hours out of my day and away from screens to prepare a delicious meal for dinner is really therapeutic. It’s easy in Winter to end up eating more comforting and hearty foods, since its colder out. However, this also means that it’s so much easier to consume a whole bunch of extra calories without realising. Taking time to prepare something a light and nutritious meal is a way I like to de-stress, and also make sure I’m not overindulging throughout the chilly seasons.

Enjoy a good night’s sleep
Last but not least, whether you are travelling this winter or staying home, the best way to feel relaxed is to get a good night’s sleep. I always talk about this but it is super important. It can even be easier to achieve in winter for those who struggle to wind down, as the sun sets earlier and day ends around 5pm. This way you will boost your energy levels and you’ll feel better the next morning. If you’re travelling, I always find it so much better to try and get up earlier and make the most of the days whilst I’m away. And if I’m home, getting up and on with my day makes me feel so much more productive and positive.
So whether you’re beating the winter blues by getting away, or just pampering yourself at home, maybe try and do a few of these things to help have a relaxing and wholesome winter season.
LL x
*This is a contributed post. As ever, all opinions are my own.
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