In my last post with Pretty Little Thing, I shared my tips for finding motivation, as this can be something we all struggle with during the winter season. One of my tips featured in the post is to revamp your active wear wardrobe.
For any occasion; be it a work meeting, a night out or heading to train in the gym, it’s so much easier to do if you are really feeling your best. Feeling confident in yourself can make such a huge difference, and I always find having the perfect outfit is one of the main factors that contributes towards how I feel. We all know the difference between having a few bad days and not feeling the best in our bodies, throwing on the nearest baggy jumper and heading out the door, and those days when we feelin’ ourselves, loving our outfits and walking into the room like we own it.

Over the last couple of years I have transformed my wardrobe into a collection of pieces I really love. I used to have a bunch of what I called “work clothes” (basically boring items I didn’t really enjoy wearing but served a purpose), old things I didn’t want to part with but never wore, gym clothes (anything old and black) and then the things I loved. I have learnt that actually, every day and no matter what the situation I want to feel confident in myself.
To do this, I want to love my clothes for every occasion, so I can walk into any situation and own it – work, gym or dance floor! Ditch the things you don’t feel are very flattering, the old items that have seen better days, and the outfits you often look at and then shove right back in to your wardrobe.

My gym clothes used to be a collection of old leggings and baggy tees. Basically my activewear could double up as decorating clothes and could easily pass as a bag of material heading to charity to be recycled.
It sounds like such a small thing, but since overhauling my activewear wardrobe I have more motivation for the gym. Don’t get me wrong, I am 100% not always motivated, but putting on a perfectly fitting set that makes me feel like a girl boss is definitely more motivating than finding some oversized t-shirt covered in paint and holes and pairing it with the nearest black leggings.

My top tips for bossing your workout attire:
Find items that fit your figure. Everyone’s body is different and you will feel confident in something the next person won’t. You need to find something you will be comfortable working out in, but will also compliment your figure and make you feel like the girl boss that you are.
Mix and Match. Don’t feel like everything needs to be in matching sets; they do look great, but it could get very expensive very quickly if you only want to wear a top and bottoms that match for every gym session. If you can buy sets then perfect; just make sure each piece work well with the rest of your singles so that you feel great when you pair different combos together.
Invest in pieces you would wear both in and out of the gym. Athleisure is really on trend so take advantage of having great looking workout clothes. They also double up as super cool outfits to go to brunch in. #instagramopportunity

PLT Joggers – £20
Funnel Neck Hoodie – £18
Keyhole Sports Bra – £15
Pretty Little Thing Black Logo Gym Bag – £25
LL x
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