To the end of a great year, and to the beginning of an even better one.
It seems only a moment ago when we were celebrating the beginning of 2015, and now here we are – hello 2016. So much has happened this year, each year I say it’s been the best of my life and this year is no exception.
I’ve had awesome holidays and trips away, conquered fears, started my blog, faced new challenges, decorated my apartment and built a home with my favourite person, attended weddings and parties, discovered I’m secretly great at archery, partied with the best, and somehow found time to have a full time job, a little cake business and run a blog.
Thank you to all the amazing people in my life who have made 2015 so special. I’m already excited for everything to come in 2016.
Here are a few of my resolutions:
This was on my resolution list last year, and I certainly kept to it. That relaxing time we take to escape into our own little worlds is so beneficial, I am hoping to try and read each week-night, winding down before sleep.
In February, my blog will be 1 year old. Looking back at my blog throughout the year, I can physically see how I have developed and grown as a blogger. In all honesty I don’t actually like some of my first posts, and have been close to deleting them a couple of times. Despite this, I think it is really great to see how far I have come, and although I may not like them, they are a positive sign of my work improving. Some months I have found it harder than others to keep up with posting, and it’s so easy to let stuff get pushed to the bottom of my ever growing to-do list, but this year I plan to make time for regular posts, and improve my blog even more.
In all senses of the word. I will choose how I spend my money more wisely, and save better than ever. I will invest time into things that really matter. I will invest myself into things I love and believe in, and work hard at learning more. I will invest in me – sleep better, live better, and take better care of myself.
In 2016 I will always try to see the positive side of things. I have found in 2015 that although I did try to be positive, I didn’t always succeed and negativity sometimes got the better of me. New year is a great time to take a fresh look on life, and see things in a different way.
Be bold. Be brave. Be you.
And finally – you may have noticed this quote on my Instagram feed. I intend to live by this in 2016.
I will be bold – confident, positive and happy.
I will be brave – push boundaries, face fears and challenge myself.
I will be me – unashamedly.
2016, I am ready for you!
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