Hey Guys!
So I’m sadly back on Manchester soil. I had an incredible time in Florida, and cannot wait to tell you all about it! First of all I want to apologise massively for my blogging absence. I had such a busy few weeks before going away that I had zero time to plan anything, and was on the last-minute as usual with packing and all that holiday malarkey that I was just thinking I’d take my camera and do some whilst I was over there.. completely forgetting how insanely busy it would be when i got out there. That’s why I only managed one measly post.. So I’d better get making up for it! I did manage to get loads of goodies and awesome ideas for posts though, so keep following to check it all out.
Ok so after that quick update, I’d like to focus this post on something pretty exciting that happened whilst I was away; I was nominated by three lovely bloggers for the Liebster Award.
So I still consider myself a bit of a newbie when it comes to blogging so I was so surprised when i received not one, not two but three nominations for the Liebster Award! I love the idea behind this; it’s an award for bloggers with 200 followers or less, so it’s a great way to discover new blogs and to get your own blog out there in the big scary internet world.
A huge thank you to Liz from Lipstick & Confetti, Jess from Indecisive Jess and Rose from That Little Pale Girl. Go check out their awesome blogs!
So.. the rules that come with this nomination are as follows:
- Thank & link the person who nominated you.
- Answer the nominators 11 questions.
- Nominate 11 small blogs with fewer than 200 followers who you believe deserve this award and include their links.
- Create 11 new questions for your nominees to answer. Notify those nominees via social media/blogs.
Here are my Q and A’s
1. Why did you start blogging?
I have always been creative and have being doing some form of art my whole life. I also LOVE documenting things (probably a bit too much) and I am a bit of a hoarder. I love photographing and keeping little bits and bobs to remember experiences and putting them all together. After reading and following quite a few blogs and saying to my boyfriend ‘I could do something like that!’ all the time, he finally convinced me to start LauraKate Blog. The perfect medium to utilize my arty side and document things at the same time, without too much hoarding!
2. What was the inspiration behind your url?
My name, obviously! I wanted something simple and easy, and after spending a while thinking over a few options, I decided to stick with this. I figured sometimes it’s best to stick with the simple option rather than over complicate and over think things (like I usually do).
3. What are your must-have makeup products?
I wear winged liner every day, so my most important must have is black liquid eyeliner. I am just using a Collection 2000 ‘Fast Stroke’ eyeliner and have re-purchased this several times – super easy to use and a bargain! I also LOVE lipstick, so having a few fave shades is always a must have. And last but by no means least, the Illamasqua Sculpting Powder Duo is one of my all time favourite products. Mine has almost totally ran out but I will definitely re-buy this one.
4. What is your favourite book?
Do recipe books count? I have LOADS of amazing recipe books, but i couldn’t choose a fave.
5. What inspires your posts on your blog?
Everything and anything! I like to post about a variety of things, rather than just one subject like fashion or beauty (although I love blogs like this – I just have too much I want to write about!), so I take inspiration from my everyday life and what’s going on around me. I’d like my blog to be a treasure chest of lifestyle tips, wardrobe inspiration, recipe ideas and everything else along the way.
6. What is your favourite app?
That’s actually a really hard one. I’d probably say Instagram, but recently I have become re-addicted to the game Peggle, so thats something I go on multiple times a day at the moment. I also love Pinterest and can often accidentally lose a chunk of time looking at pics and ideas on there.
7. How long have you been blogging?
I am only just into my third month of blogging, and so glad I finally started it.
8. What is your favourite article of clothing in your wardrobe?
A simple black bodysuit from Miss Selfridge, this is my go to top if I’m ever struggling with what to wear and I something I feel comfortable in always. It is a little different so I usually wear it for evenings out but it could be dressed down too. And if I can class handbags as clothing then my beautiful new Michael Kors Hamilton bag.
9. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?
I am a huge lover of the USA & I have lovely family over in Canada so they are the places I love to visit. I’d also love to travel to somewhere with amazing beaches like Bali or the Bahamas. Oh and Australia. And Hong Kong. This question is too hard.
10. What is your favourite type of blog to read?
This really depends on what mood I am in. I’d say lifestyle as that is quite a broad genre.
If I’m interested in something in particular though, then I will go to subject specific blogs to check them out.
11. What is one piece of advice you have for new bloggers?
If you are thinking about starting a blog then just go for it! Now that I have started mine I wish I had actually done it so much sooner, rather than just thinking about it so bloody much. Years ago me and my friend spoke about it, but nothing ever came of it.. Now I always wish I would have followed that little dream back then.
And if you are a new blogger then I would say to write about what you love, and what you find interesting. It’s so much easier to write awesome stuff (and enjoyable to read) if you’re passionate about what you are writing. Don’t just review that new mascara or post some breakfast smoothie recipes because everyone else has (unless you do love these things, then go right ahead!).
And my 11 questions for the nominees are:
1. An interesting fact about yourself?
2. Name 3 things you couldn’t live without.
3. Favourite meal?
4. If you could treat yourself to one thing right now, what would it be?
5. How long have you been blogging?
6. Favourite item of clothing?
7. Favourite film?
8. Do you have any hobbies?
9. What does a normal day in your life look like?
10. Where would you like to be/how do you see yourself in 25 years?
11. What is your favourite thing about yourself?
And my nominees for The Liebster Award are:
Pom Life Down Under
Cotton and Candie
Faux Pas
The Pretty Beatniks
Sherbert London
Gold & Hearts
Alex Lauren
Into My Jeans
What Leaha Likes
I look forward to reading the answers from you guys!
LL x
Loved reading your responses! And glad you had a great vacation 🙂
xo, Liz
Thanks so much for nominating me – I was already nominated a couple of weeks back, but I gave you a shout out in today’s post 🙂
no problem!
awesome thank you 🙂