Bach 95
Bach 95 is the new premium reduced calorie lager that came to the market a few months ago. At 4.2% ABV and 95Kcal per 330ml can, Bach 95 is a crisp, light and easy drinking full-strength, reduced-calorie beer, that is also vegan friendly and gluten free. it is also developed pretty locally to me in Cheshire, and brewed to the highest standards.
Set up with quality in mind, the founders wanted to create a new beer that suits a lifestyle. A fun forward thinking brand that is focused on producing a beer of the highest quality. A brewing company made by beer drinkers for beer drinkers.
Focused research, a detailed recipe, the highest quality ingredients, experienced brewing and rigorous testing has resulted in this Premium Lager. The Brewing Process, specifically the boiling down of the excess sugar, is a key skill the Bach 95 brewers have developed over many years. They are very proud to get to 95 Kcals and 4.2% ABV, our love of beer, high standards and quality control is what sets them apart from others.

How Bach 95 was Born
During the founders’ professional rugby Careers, an idea was born around socialising and unwinding but without the guilt that can come with it. Why can’t anyone have a couple of beers in the evening after a hard days work without consuming needless calories? Or letting your hair down at the weekend, but not feeling bad about the amount of calories you’ve consumed.
They then scoured the market and found nothing that satisfied their taste buds, delivered on ABV, and definitely nothing that did both of these with a calorie count of well under 100kcals. And so here we are! Bach 95 was born.

If you know me or have followed me for a while, you know I’m a beer lover. It’s my usual go-to drink, and I of course have favourites, but I love trying new beers.
Bach 95 did not disappoint. It really delivers on the full flavour that they went for, and doesn’t taste like a low cal beer. I’ve tried some of those in the past and they do tend to be a little on the watered-down side, and I really want my beer to actually taste like beer, otherwise I’d order water!
They have also released an alcohol-free version, which also genuinely tastes great. So whether you want to have a tipple or choose not to, Bach 95 have both options, neither of which disappoint.
You can visit the Bach95 website here for more info and to order.
LL x
*This item was gifted. As always, all opinions are my own.
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