There is nothing like rewarding yourself for your own hard work every now and again. We should all take the time for recognizing our own accomplishments, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with a pat on the back that is self-administered. There are hundreds of ways that you can treat yourself and make your day a little bit sweeter.
So, whether you have had a week filled with stress, a brand new promotion at work or you’ve finally managed to stop procrastinating long enough to clean out the closets – it’s time for a treat.

Treat 1: Time to relax
We hear a lot said about self-care. No matter which magazine you read or website you click on, there’s an article somewhere about the importance of taking excellent care of yourself. Giving yourself the gift of your own time to relax is essential, and you can do this without having to spend a penny. Carve out your own time on the calendar and draw that hot bubble bath you’ve been longing for. Spend some time in the kitchen testing out those new recipes you’ve been dying to try and make your time spent with you doing things you really want to do.
Treat 2: Book a vacation
Whether you are craving visiting a new country, or you want to book yourself onto last minute cruises, you could consider taking yourself on a little trip. Remove yourself from the stress of life and go and uncover something completely new. It could be sinking your toes into the sand of a white-sugar beach, visiting a theme park or immersing yourself in the cuisine of a new city. A vacation is an ultimate treat, and when you book to go last minute, you can often find some excellent deals to save yourself some cash, too.
Treat 3: Spa day
There are so many websites out there that give you money off and deals on spa days that include treatments such as massage and facials. Booking a spa usually gives you a chance to use the facilities too, so you could go for a swim or head to a hot yoga class or try a new class you haven’t done before.

Treat 4: Choose an outdoor adventure
Instead of stepping out locally, why not head out on a long hike somewhere new or even try a new sport. Why not try something like rock climbing? The great outdoors can bring so much enjoyment, and there’s something really incredible about being in nature.
Treat 5: Learn something new
If you’ve been checking out new cake recipes for weeks now, it’s time that you felt inspired and tried one! Is baking something you love? Give yourself the time to bake. If you haven’t ever learned to master the perfect dish that you had on holiday that time, why not now? You could even book into cooking school and learning something entirely new.
Treat 6: See a movie
I don’t know about you but I never really get the time to visit the movies, so get yourself some popcorn and candy and head to that new film you want to see. And don’t be afraid to go alone – take the chance to enjoy a movie without having to share!

Treat 7: Clean out your home
Okay, so this sounds more chore than a treat, but just think of the shopping! You can go out and buy all the organizers you need for the closets. You’ll feel fantastic for clearing up and sending things to Goodwill too. Cleaning the house is a treat for you at the end of it all when you’re sitting on your sofa with a glass of much-deserved wine.
Treat 8: Hang out
Friends, family, coworkers; spend time with whoever you haven’t hung out with in a while. Go and do something that will make you belly laugh – it’s the best way to make your soul feel fantastic!
Treat 9: Reading
Sometimes just getting into a new book can be all the treat you need. We don’t often have enough time to do anything for ourselves, and yet a book is the perfect way to escape. Pick something you’ve heard great things about, or read the book your favourite movie is based on.
Treat 10: Be a tourist in your own town
It doesn’t matter whether you go to the same place every day, it’s time to be a tourist in your own town. You’ll find that city dwellers rarely will hit the tourist spots because they live there. So this time, be the tourist and spend time exploring the places you wouldn’t have frequented before.
Treating yourself is a big part of recognizing that you are deserving of the good things in life. From vacations to spa days, you can make your treat something that works for you.
LL x
*This is a contributed post
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