Nutribuddy Shake Complete
I am actually someone who doesn’t believe in replacing any meal with a shake. Partially because I love food and I’d rather have something to chew and satisfy me, instead of something that feels like a drink and barely touches the sides. But also because a lot of the meal replacement shakes on the market are crammed with un-natural ingredients I can’t pronounce; I’m genuinely not confident that they are better for you and your goals than a regular meal.
However, Nutribuddy has changed my perception of meal replacement shakes (and shakes in general). I was recently sent their ‘Shake Complete’ to try, and I have been pleasantly surprised at the product.
- It contains organic ingredients. All of the vitamins and minerals within the product are from organic whole foods. No artificial nasties allowed!
- Every single item on the ingredients list is something I know (and can pronounce), and am very happy to put in my body on a daily basis.
- The Shake Complete is filled with low-GI, slow-release carbs to keep you feeling full and energised.
- It has been developed with nutritionalists to deliver the key things your body needs to thrive.
- The packaging is environmentally friendly (and equally as pretty) so you can recycle it if you decide not to re-use it.

Using the Product
Initially I started with taking my Nutribuddy shaker to work and filling it up when I was ready for breakfast. The shake is best prepared with milk or a milk alternative, but I also tried it with water. It is 100% more delicious with milk as the texture is a lot smoother. I found with water that the shake was quite gritty as the water wasn’t thick enough, so it separated quickly.
How filling it was came as a surprise to this serial snacker. I easily lasted until lunchtime without eating between meals (for those who know me this will be a shock!) As an experiment I added the liquid, then heated it up in the microwave the night before – as I would if I were preparing overnight oats. This worked amazingly; the protein in the shake thickens really well in the heat, leaving me with an oaty consistency. If I have time to sit and eat breakfast then I will always prepare my Nutribuddy like this. If not then the powder in the bottle is perfect for on-the-go.

The brand Nutribuddy was founded by Ella – a 24 year old girl boss who dreamt of creating a product that was truly healthy, put customers first, and respected our planet.
- Nutribuddy has a 31-day happiness guarantee, and the customer service team are expected to achieve 100% customer satisfaction ratings! A very bold goal but I love it.
- They use only organic ingredients where possible and will always only use ingredients of natural origin. Nutribuddy refuses to use any artificial chemicals such as bulkers, preservatives, emulsifiers etc.
- The packaging is created as eco-friendly as possible and all products are vegan and cruelty-free. A lot of thought is put into the packaging to ensure the impact on the planet is minimal.
- Nutribuddy offer a range of products for different needs and goals; all packed with healthy ingredients to promote a balanced lifestyle.
- You collect points with every order you place, redeemable against future orders.

My Review
Overall I really enjoyed using Nutribuddy. Its the first shake product I’ve used that I can say fills me up as a meal on it’s own. I put this down to the amazing all-natural ingredients and the quality. Personally I much prefer having it in the overnight oats style, but thats just down to personal preference; I feel much more satisfied having something to physically eat than drink.
The shake is perfect for those like me who have a busy lifestyle and are often on the go. This has been a great post-gym brekkie when I’m running around to meetings all day. Even if you prefer to prepare it more like oats, this can be easily done the night before and refrigerated for a ready-to-go breakfast.
The shake is genuinely delicious and I have happily eaten this daily for my breakfast. I know some of the ingredients may put people off – but the taste is a naturally sweet delight! I’m not sure it tastes like ‘vanilla’ flavour, but it is sweet and yummy so it ticks all my boxes.
If you’re looking to kick-start your day with a light breakfast that will keep you going until lunch then I would definitely recommend this. For those who want to pad it out a bit, it tastes great in smoothies with some frozen fruit.
You can head to the Nutribuddy site here for more products and to shop the range.
LL x
*This product was sent to me for review. As ever, all opinions are my own.
[…] may have seen my previous post that I did with Nutribuddy, where I tried out their Shake Complete. I was totally new to the brand […]